Kayla Berry “Easy Lovin’ You”

Kayla Berry is a Mississippi-based worship leader, recording artist, songwriter, wife, and mom whose testimony and ministry reflect the unfathomable love, hope, and healing found in Jesus. She shares her testimony and songs inspired by her journey at churches and events around the country. She’s passionate about helping others discover God’s salvation and restoration, while helping to sow seeds of reconciliation through the healing and unity found in worship

Kayla grew up singing in the church that her father pastored and started leading worship at the age of 18. Her heart has always leaned toward the lonely, outcast, and hurting. In her words, “There was a time I needed to know that there was hope for me. I haven’t always been a ‘worship leader’. There was a time I was just a ‘song leader.’  It took much brokenness, many mistakes, and the grace of God to bring me to a place of knowing how to worship!  When you’re hurt, you cling to what heals you. God has been that for me.” That is why she wants the world to know that no matter what has gone on in your life, or what you’ve been through, there is HOPE.

Her heart’s prayer is to break through religious boundaries and barriers to lead both the young and old into the presence of God where they can experience the mercy and joy she has experienced through God’s wonderful love.

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